
we’re on a mission to fix the broken recruiting business
here’s why we do everything differently than recruiting agencies
1. We believe the sales commission model is bad for everyone...except the recruiting agency
When an agency places a candidate at your company, you pay a commission based on your new employee’s salary. Quality and longevity of hire aren't what draws a recruiting agency's attention – their metrics are completely sales-based. This incentivizes behaviors that aren't good for your business.
You may need a hard-to-find candidate for your opening, but the agency has a financial need to fill the role with the first-available candidate. Many top candidates take time and strategy to woo and convince – most recruiting agencies need to turn around their searches quickly, so they push your industry's low-hanging fruit.
When a recruiting agency gets a great candidate, the first thing they do is "market her/him out" to all their clients. The agency is not representing only you to acquire top talent – their best case scenario is to create an auction, with you as on of the bidders.
Recruiting agencies get paid based on your new employee's salary. We believe this isn't the best incentive for them to represent you in negotiations.
If you take too long to choose the right candidate, the agency will give up the search for other, easier-to-fill projects...possibly without even telling you.
The Unicorn fix
We're not making this up. We've worked for agencies, been in their sales meetings, and formed UnicornCG after growing frustrated with their model. Our promise to you is to have deep conversations with your hiring team, to really understand your unique business, and to work with your teams as any internal talent acquisition team would. That said, we will also utilize all of the creativity and persistence you would expect from an external agency for a set, budgetable monthly retainer.
2. We'll do what most recruiting external agencies won't
External agencies can do the one thing they're good at...recruit candidates for an open role as quickly as possible. But many agencies will only work on your most senior positions (read: opportunity for most revenue). If you had an internal talent acquisition team, you'd be able to set priorities with them based on your business needs. They'd understand your culture, and screen out candidates who may fit on paper but who wouldn't fit as part of your company. They'd lead internal training sessions on team and individual interviewing, and raise a red flag when needed.
The Unicorn fix
When you engage with Unicorn, you'll get a full-fledged virtual internal talent acquisition team, We know how to help your team think strategically about talent acquisition roadmaps and organizational structure. We'll lead interviewing workshops and "fly-on-the-wall" sessions to help your team be more effective...and keep them out of legal hot water with fast-changing hiring laws. Most of all, you'll be able to align with us on priorities and focus. If the executive assistant position is more urgent than a new COO, we're on it. And we're qualified to recruit both. Finally,every candidate we recruit for you is "yours", not "ours". They go into your database as we help you build out your talent community, and give you more choices and improved time-to-hire.
3. Talent management is more than just recruiting
Recruiting agencies do just that...recruit. But today's growing enterprise needs much more than warm bodies with whom to talk when there's an opening. A solid, strategic talent acquisition team is more of a marketing department than a guy with a LinkedIn account and a phone. Your competitors are utilizing employer branding techniques and an emerging technology stack to reach candidates who are burned out from working with traditional recruiting tactics. Are you thinking about diversity? Legal compliance? HR database management? A better candidate onboarding experience?
The Unicorn fix
Talent acquisition is time-consuming, tech-intensive, legally-fraught, and complicated. Our experience is here to help you become as effective and disruptive in how you manage talent as you are in building your market share. We bring the best in talent acquisition technology to the table and manage the stack in a cost-effective, efficient, results-producing manner. And we bring that technology in-house, making it faster for your managers to evaluate talent and get the right people hired. We can also help you understand how to align your efforts with diversity and other legal and culture requirements. Finally, if you're into the numbers, so are we. We work with you to benchmark talent acquisition performance, and work on improving ourselves as we help your team.
Thanks for reading! If you have any questions about our mission and vision, or if you'd like to discuss how to make faster progress into the world of modern talent acquisition, just hit the button and let's have a conversation.